Your Stories: Carolina

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Hello! My name is Carolina. Since about 1-2 years I have been suffering with GI symptoms. More recently I started having sharp pelvic pain, bad bloating and pain during intercourse...I knew something was completely off with my body.

After getting an endoscopy, colonoscopy, ultrasound and CT Scan come out NORMAL, it really started affecting me mentally. All I wanted was answers. I am very healthy and active so feeling this way was really getting to me. Finally, my gyno talked to me about endometriosis, and how the only way to know is by doing a lap diagnosis.

After doing research about Endo, it took me about a week to decide I wanted it. I had my lap yesterday (Friday, May 31st) and found endometriosis. She was able to remove some but thereโ€™s some in a dangerous location so I will be taking birth control to treat it. I am one of the lucky ones, who was able to get it diagnosed early and have some answers to my symptoms. I want to speak out more about this disease so girls can be educated and catch it early. Everyone out there suffering, you are not alone! #endosisters

Follow Carolina on Instagram @simplehealthyways

Graham Tronc